
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The legend of Rahi,Tu Kahina & Patupaiarehe

 My class learnt about the legend of Rahi,Tu Kahina & Patupaiarehe. We read the book about it and then watched a video about it. Then we had to retell it here is my retell of the story.

A long long time ago guy named Rahi-Tu Kahina had a beautiful wife named Ti Ara-kura-pake-wai. And this one day she was taking care of some plants the she had planted in the forest. When all of a sudden and jealous man named Patupaiarehe took her from where she was a cased a spell behind him so that the trees would block Rahi-Tu Kahina from coming to save her. But he was smarter than that. He build a invention to get over the trees and save his wife. As he went through rivers and hills he had reached a rock so he laid under it when a mighty lizard burst out of the water and tried to reach him but as long as he was under the rock he was safe and then his might eagle friend Namu came to his rescue but it was not over just yet the lizard soon turned into a mighty Taniwha but the eagle had already got Rahi-Tu Kahina on his back and they were back on track. When they had reached their destination Patupaiarehe was their with the wife they battled for her. But Rahi-Tu Kahin Na was to weak but he had got a little bit of help from his eagle friend after

they got his wife back they went home. 

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