How is milk made
Milk is made in different ways. One way that milk is
made is through cows.
Cows eat 70 kgs of grass a day then it goes through
their 4 stomachs that they burp back out.
the farmers tack the milk from the cow then it goes in
to the tanks.
Cows eat 70kgs of grass a day.
It will go through 1 of the stomachs that squeezes it
then it goes through the 2nd stomach to help it digest
so it can burp it back out. When they burp it back out it
is not grass. It is called cud. They burp it out then they
chew it for 1 more minute then it goes back through the
mouth, then through the last 2 stomachs and then it
will fully get digest. The nutrients from the digested
grass goes into the bloodstream of the cow.
Then the cows are taken to the milking shed where
the cows are milked. The milk gets put in to a machine
that's called vat, where it is stored for a bit before going
through the separator. It separates the cream from the
milk. Then it gets pasteurised.
Then it gets put in to the tanks then the tanks are
taken to the Dairy factory.
The milk is put into bottles then they are taken to
the shops.
Once they are in the shop ready to buy people will
come and buy them.
Then the milk is poured in to a glass for you to drink.
Milk is good for us because it can help us with our teeth.
And will make us get stronger. It also has protein in it so
that will give us strong bones. So that's why it is healthy
for you and me it offers a rich source of calcium, a mineral
essential. And that is what will make us have healthy teeth
and bones.